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Saturday, April 28, 2007

On Blame and Celebration

I've been listening to an audio book of Anthony Bourdain's A Cook's Tour. In it he sets out to find the perfect meal. One of the observations in the first chapter is that no matter how wonderful you remember a meal being, it is about more than the food. It's about the people, the places, the tastes, and the smells all colliding. I couldn't agree more. Cakes to me are about so much more than the right mix of flour, sugar, and butter. It's about the inspirations, the muse from the recipients, the creative process, and the ultimate memory of sharing it together with friends who are celebrating one another.

In this blog I want to post some of my favorite cake memories. Some of the cakes looked better than others, and some of them tasted better than the rest, but they are all tops in my mind and represent the sweetest possible moments of the day.

Why baked goods? I could blame my mother for the scrumptious brownies and ice cream cakes, my grandmothers for the countless goodies at Christmas, or my dad for dragging me through bakeries in NYC and its greater metropolitan area. But they only set the stage for my addiction.

Today I think I will blame Cheryl for giving me that Betty Crocker EasyBake pan for my birthday 2 years ago. Perfectly round cakes were just too much fun. And filling it up with ice cream or pudding- irresistible. My new hobby was born.

So here is a bit of its domed glory. This is a chocolate cake stuffed with Cherries Garcia ice cream and covered with vanilla frosting and a dash of decorative cocoa powder. Delicious.

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