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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Quilt Cake for the Best Roommate Ever

March 2006

I have the best roommate ever. No, really. Aside from the occasional bake ware probation I get put under, we have a great household. Last year my gift to her was a fondant recreation of one of her favorite hobbies- quilting. It came out well for a first attempt with fondant. It wasn't too hard to work with but it took a while to get a smooth covering without stretchy bits. And another chunk of time to time to get the pieces just right. But it was worth it because the finished product looked cozy.

Inside is a chocolate cake with white frosting. Although the fondant has a nice appearance of stitched cloth, it doesn't taste as yummy as vanilla frosting. So I made it removable.

The most fun was watching the guys poke at the sliced fondant. Apparently they haven't been paying much attention at all of these weddings. (Life lesson: Too much footloose = cake scarfage.) I had to assure them that it was just a different kind of sugar icing and they could eat it if they wanted or throw it out. These are the same guys who eat 10 day old burrito leftovers. One step at a time.

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