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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jamaican Rum Cake

Jamaican Rum Cake

July 2008

Congratulations to Darla and Elfe! I loved the beautifully scenic Altoona wedding, and the opportunity to join friends and family to bless you both and celebrate what God has done in joining you together. But I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I'd drive back to Altoona just for another piece of that Jamaican Rum Cake.

I've heard other Jamaican couples talk about the traditional cake being soaked in rum for months before the wedding and having all of the "thirsty" candied fruit soak it up so that it needed to be continually quenched. I'd heard that the rich spice of the cake was highlighted by the soaking process. I'd even heard that the very presence of the cake made the celebration even more lively. But I assumed it was just a cultural pride thing. A touch of home, or a fond memory for those so far away from their warmer homeland. But then I tasted it. Wow. That is some serious cake my friends!

Note: I did NOT make this cake, but I enjoyed eating it.

In this photo you can almost see the dense richness. You could certainly taste it.

I hope that it really does symbolize your marriage and that you will be richly blessed beyond all imaginations with love that is deep and even unexpected.

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